
Generate a Portrait Photo

Bake API allows you to generate high-quality portrait photos from single face images or two face images. In this tutorial, we'll demonstrate how to create a portrait photo from two face images. The process for generating a photo from a single face image is similar.

Step 1: Sign up and Get Your API Key

To get started, sign up for a Bake API account and obtain your API key.

Step 2: Download the Task Input File

Download the task-input.json file from the Bake API website.

Step 3: Run the Command

Run the following command to create a task, replacing YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key:

1curl --request POST \
2     --url https://api.getbake.ai/v1/tasks \
3     --header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain' \
4     --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \
5     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
6     --data '@task-input.json'

Step 4: Check the Task Status

To check the status of your task, use the following command:

1curl --request GET \
2     --url https://api.getbake.ai/v1/tasks/YOUR_TASK_ID \
3     --header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain' | jq .

Once the task has been processed, you'll receive a response including the generated image URL as follows:

 2  "created": "2024-04-23T06:41:47.399211Z",
 3  "customerId": "cus_PyZljdS4lwu9nV",
 4  "error": "",
 5  "generatedImageUrl": "https://storage.googleapis.com/bake-api-public-prod/9f77743d-b16c-4b0f-8058-3902d9574bc3/jpeg",
 6  "id": "9f77743d-b16c-4b0f-8058-3902d9574bc3",
 7  "prompt": "a highly detailed, portrait photo of a beautiful woman, wearing black shirt, serious face, detailed face, skin pores shot, dramatic lighting",
 8  "status": {
 9    "isEnqueued": true,
10    "isFailed": false,
11    "isGenerated": true,
12    "isPaid": true
13  },
14  "webhookUrl": "https://enw6hliv6ugu.x.pipedream.net"

Step 5: View the Generated Image

The generated image will be available at the specified URL. Please note that since the image is generated using a random seed, it's possible to obtain different images by creating the same task multiple times. We recommend trying multiple times to get a good image.


Task Input File

In the task-input.json file, you'll find the following parameters:

Here's an example of what the task-input.json file might look like:

2  "faceImage": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEBLA...",
3  "prompt": "a highly detailed, portrait photo of a beautiful woman, wearing black shirt, serious face, detailed face, skin pores shot, dramatic lighting",
4  "webhookUrl": "https://enw6hliv6ugu.x.pipedream.net",
5  "secondaryImage": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAyA...",
6  "secondaryImageWeight": 0.5


You can obtain a base64-encoded string from an image file using the command base64 -i karina.jpg.

API Documentation

For more information about the Bake API, please refer to our API documentation.